
To use names of real world entities to identify files of related data in specialised file sharing schemes; to use digital devices to extract pertinent data for analysis and display; to combine work process expertise with IT prowess; to introduce consensual advertising to fund information infrastructure.

Full Description:
See Namesets.pdf for an overview. The main point: this is a new way of working specifically designed to suit the characteristics of the Internet and the diversity of society's workforce.

updated 22 09 2008


Problem this idea/invention addresses:
Having to rely on, and move work between, software applications that essentially mimic traditional paperwork, rather than emulate modern object-oriented automated processes; generic names rather than algorithms address the diversity of information.

Auxiliary products or services for sale:
Subject to further discussion

Attached files:

Asking price: [CONTACT SELLER]
Available for consultation? Yes

Invention #10498
Date posted: 2007-12-18

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