Secure my Private e-mails inside my inbox

I will like to have the ability to password protect any email coming from or going to my banker and other financial service.

Full Description:
Looking at a way to password protect specified e-mail addressed when i send or get mails from these. This is an additional password per email from specified addresses. it is a compliment to the password for the e-mail account but it is per specific e-mails addresses. Such addressed can be from the banker,etc.

Problem this idea/invention addresses:
I share my inbox because there are times when my office staff need some article which is in my email, i have no need to hide nothing. However, i realized that there are some e-mails that i may want to further protect from the public eyes or from someone who accidentally stumble on my computer while i am not in the office.

Asking price: [CONTACT SELLER]
Available for consultation? Yes

Invention #10560
Date posted: 2008-01-20

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