Regenerative heat exchanger

Several heat-exchanging chambers, each incorporating two rotary gas valves, are connected to the hot gas flow and the cold compressed flow. The valves sequence the flows around the chambers so that the regenerator materials, eg. ceramic honeycomb, are alternately heated and then cooled.

Full Description:
The materials that accomplish the heat exchange from one gas flow to another can be gravel, or ceramic balls (if the hot flow is at a high temperature) or honeycombs or wire bundles, e.g., are contained in insulated casings. There may be 2,3,6 12 or more chambers with these casings containing porous materials. The casings have two faces, one for inlet of hot gas and the outlet for heated gas, and the other for input of cooler gas and the outlet for cooled gas. One manifold is attached to each face. Each manifold incorporates a flow-switching valve. For a period from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the design, the hot flow goes through the porous material, heating it up. Then that flow is stopped and the cooler flow is admitted to flow in the opposite direction (in general) becoming heated until most of the heat is extracted from the material. This sequence occurs in each chamber in turn.

Problem this idea/invention addresses:
When used for gas-turbine engines it gives very high heat-transfer efficiency with low pressure drops and low leakage. Very easy to service.

Auxiliary products or services for sale:
I would like to sell the rights to this provisional patent for $600,000 . I work with Brayton Energy, Hampton NH, USA, and this company and I could work with a company or individual to produce this regenerator or a complete high-efficiency gas-turbine engine.

Attached files:
Mu,ti-chambered rotary-valved regenerator, Muslimin, 2012 01 30.pdf

Asking price: [CONTACT SELLER]
Available for consultation? Yes

Invention #11731
Date posted: 2012-02-23

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