protective bands for the use of computer mouse and assembly lines

protective bands for the use of computer mouse and assembly lines, bands that are placed in the care Manios dolls aplio deletions of use and low cost. mass product.
smooth surface.

Full Description:
Band or gloves to use computer mice and jobs that require manual operation.
The device is easy using a smooth surface that is placed on the surface of the glove.
The issue of hours of computer use and hands in the same or work on assembly lines that bring calluses consequences, tendon injuries, injury, carpal tunnel since these are exposed to intense hours work solves , this glove by not allowing the pressure on the wrists on a hard surface seeks the tendons and nerves are not in contact with these.
The applied technology is widely used mass because it can be adapted to work gloves in the fields of assembly lines or jobs that require manual uses.

Problem this idea/invention addresses:
the problem is solved wrist pain that proboca continuous use of computer mice and work online because this product is protected encuntran wrists and preeviene the lesson of carpal tunnel, calluses and discomfort.

Auxiliary products or services for sale:
Sale of patent
The production cost is low and variable implementation and delivery is worldwide and massive
The Patents and Industrial Designs are already registered.
In the world of carpal tunnel injury figures gives billions in spending and lost workdays.
This device can be prevented by working on computers as working on the assembly lines.
can be adapted to work Guate.
The market for computers growing and this is a product that goes with them and demand the same.
I do not do the production is very large and wide around the world and this is for large company can carry it and put it in the main markets.

and contacted me by this invention and I can hacergurar the product they need in the market that is growing.

Attached files:

Patent: WO 13,316,267

Asking price: [CONTACT SELLER]
Available for consultation? Yes

Invention #11971
Date posted: 2014-06-28

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