Allevon Dingguard

This revolutionary device prevents dings on doors. It is light-weight, easy to use, attaches quickly and easily.

Full Description:
The Allevon Dingguard is a necessary car accessory for every driver...worldwide. It is draped over your car window and secured with a light weighted bar that locks inside your car. Outside, this device lays on the window and door to prevent door dings. It is made of foam, teflon and a unique acrylic guard that is durable and flexible. It folds easily and comes with it's own custom drawstring sack. It is developed specifically for close indoor commercial parking garages and residential garages. Not recommended for outdoor use. Due to its design it helps to reduce heat in cars during hot weather. This device is designed to showcase sports team logos, popular restaurants, schools, name it and claim it. There is NO OTHER DEVICE like this on the market and EVERYONE needs one...

Problem this idea/invention addresses:
Dings on car doors caused by close proximity parking in garages.

Auxiliary products or services for sale:
The following auxiliary products are included in the sale of this device. Please contact seller for details; (Domain)
Prototype (1st and 2nd)
Interested Client List
Past marketing company retained to market (will relinquish their all reports, notes, plans and information regarding research, development and prospects)
All possible manufacturers (including our present one in China)
Patent rights
Inventors Claim to Invention
Price: 1,000,000

Attached files:
00 - DingGuardAnimation_0003.jpg

Asking price: [CONTACT SELLER]
Available for consultation? Yes

Invention #11982
Date posted: 2014-08-01

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