Head Phone Light

The LED light is attached to the earphone pieces of mobile phone sets/portable music system with a stiff and position changeable holder, supported by the battery of the portable device.

Full Description:
The LED light (white light with high luminosity and low wattage)( as in mobile phones) is attached to the earphone set with a short length of flexible and stiff piece of holders, which will help to change the direction of the light and fix it in a position for continuous use. The power requirement can be tapped from the portable device to which it is connected.

Problem this idea/invention addresses:
The idea addresses the problem of lighting personal spaces during night travel and access to personal belongings in a bus, train, or living quarters and for reading books without disturbance to the surrounding environs.

Asking price: [CONTACT SELLER]
Available for consultation? Yes

Invention #12030
Date posted: 2015-01-30

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