Pacemaker Threshold Testing Based on Pulse Oximeter Output Curve

Our new protocol uses a simple plethysmograph (pulse oximeter) and the plethysmographic curve. As the operator decreases the voltage during routine threshold testing, this curve can easily be used to determine when the threshold has been reached.

Full Description:
Cardiac rhythm device threshold testing is a mandatory and routine testing that is performed every 3-6 months. Current protocol is complicated and burdensome as it involves great discomfort to the patient (undressing the patient, applying ECG leads to the patient, and in many times having to remove the leads and causing "hair removal pain").

Our protocol completely changes the protocol for pacemaker threshold testing. It involves a simple application of a pulse oximeter to the patient's digit. Using the plethysmographic curve that it provides, a quick and easy threshold testing can be performed. There is absolutely no need for the patient to undress or to have ECG strips applied.

This protocol can also be extended to further check the difference in cardiac outputs and effectiveness of biventricular pacing vs. dual chamber/single chamber pacing.

Overall, our new protocol can change the process of cardiac rhythm device interrogations, and can make such interrogations much more efficient and informative.

Problem this idea/invention addresses:
Currently, pacemaker/defibrillator threshold testing is burdensome and requires undressing a patient/applying ECG strips and leads.

Patent: US 14,727,097

Asking price: [CONTACT SELLER]
Available for consultation? Yes

Invention #12079
Date posted: 2015-07-18

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