CitiSense Monitors the Air Around You

CitiSense Monitors the Air Around You
Portable air quality sensors could help people suffering from chronic conditions like asthma and COPD breathe a bit easier by allowing them to check the air condition in their immediate with their smartphones.

The CitiSense system, developed by researchers at UC San Diego, consists of small air quality sensors that could be carried by the individual or deployed around a particular area. The sensors are able to measure local concentrations of pollutants, such as carbon monoxide and ozone, and transmit the data wirelessly to the user’s smartphone in real-time. A color-coded scale makes it easy to determine with air quality, ranging from green for good to purple for hazardous.

The sensors proved to be particularly educational, with the volunteer carriers discovering that waiting for a bus or biking down a street—two activities meant to reduce emissions—exposed them to the most pollutants. These findings convinced some volunteers to choose to bike down a side street or avoid waiting near the bus’s tailpipe.

Image: CitiSense sensor prototype on a backpack

CitiSense Monitors the Air Around You

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Posted by Raymond Moore on January 11, 2014

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