Lotus-Inspired Engraving Leads to Self-Cleaning Aircraft

Lotus-Inspired Engraving Leads to Self-Cleaning Aircraft
An innovative lotus-effect engraving technology could open the door to self-cleaning airplanes with less drag.

The lotus leaf and its ability to self-clean has inspired many hydrophobic surfaces ranging from windows to buildings. Now, the team from Fraunhofer University has developed a laser-based method of etching a lotus-inspired filigree pattern into a metal surface.

Part of the European Project “Laser4Fun,” the process relies on the DLIP optical modules from Dresden, which split the laser beam into several partial beams that can be combined to create very intricate patterns. Using the module-aided lasers, the team was able to engrave a pattern like a corrugated iron roof that causes water to bead up and roll off, instead of gripping the surface.

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