Switchable Membrane Filters Oil and Water

Switchable Membrane Filters Oil and Water
A reusable membrane able to switch from filtering oil or water offers an easier and more affordable way to clean oil spills and wastewater.

The switchable membrane, from a team at the University of British Columbia, is made up of a rough-surface copper mesh that has been electrochemically treated. In its natural state, the membrane will allow oil to pass through while blocking water. However, a few seconds of voltage applied to the mesh from a regular alkaline battery will trigger the membrane to shift to allowing water through while blocking oil. The membrane can be air-dried to return it to its original state, allowing oil to flow through it once again.

In tests, the membrane was 98 percent effective in separating the two liquids, which is much greater than other switchable membranes have achieved.

Switchable Membrane Filters Oil and Water

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