Platelet Clotting Force Array

Introduction Advances in microfluidic technology are constantly opening doors to new and exciting applications, such as point-of-care diagnostic devices. These microscale diagnostic platforms will enable faster, cheaper, and more accurate patient evaluation for a wide array of parameters. One such parameter is the coagulation capacity of blood, for abnormalities in which can be indicative of a wide variety of pathologies. The ability to more quickly and easily assess platelet function would greatly influence global health. Technology Description Professors Sniadecki and Gao at the University of Washington have developed a highthroughput microfluidic platform capable of assaying the clotting capacity of platelets in blood samples. This biomedical array directly quantifies the contractile force of coagulating blood as samples rest on and deflect flexible, vertical microscale cantilevers. The device consists of multiple wells for the simultaneous screening of samples in order to support high-throughput diagnostics. Business Opportunity An effective microfluidic assay capable of evaluating the coagulation capacity of blood presents opportunities for point-of-care patient evaluation. Key applications include dosing for anti-coagulants, monitoring for hemophiliacs and stroke patients, and diagnosing a variety of pathologies, such as angina, neonatal sepsis, recurrent miscarriage, and liver disease. This device is appropriate for screening platelet quality of donor blood prior to transfusion or for screening the effects of pharmacological candidates. Stage of Development A working prototype of this technology is in development. Intellectual Property Position The UW is currently reviewing this technology for worldwide patent protection. For more information on this technology contact:
Patrick Shelby Technology Manager [email protected] 206-543-3970

Type of Offer: Licensing

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