Automatic Filter Configuration for Acoustic Color Visualization

Background Existing acoustic color visualization methods rely on acoustic colormapping filters that are either static or manually adjustable by the user. If the spectral balance of the colormapping filters does not match that of the data, the resulting color image will be skewed toward one or more shades of color, affecting image contrast. Manual balancing of the filters can be a tedious and imprecise process, and when it is accomplished for a given image, standardization is lost.

Invention Description Automatic optimization of the filters addresses both of these problems. Colormapping filters are automatically constructed according to the power spectrum of a user-defined reference signal. The resulting filter configuration produces a level balance of hues in images of the reference signal. If optimized color contrast for a particular image is desired, the user may select as reference, a representative portion of the data that is being imaged. If a standard filter configuration is desired for comparing a set of images, a standard reference signal can be used.


Image hues are balanced, and the user has the option of selecting a reference signal as a comparison.


Automatic optimization of the colormapping filters

Market Potential/Applications Oil and gas exploration: remote identification of gas hydrates, and identification of sea surface multiples in seismic displays Medical devices: feature extraction in medical ultrasonic imaging Underwater acoustics

Development Stage Lab/bench prototype

UT Researcher Frank A. Boyle, Ph.D., Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin

OTC Contact Information , Licensing Associate


Type of Offer: Licensing

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