Kommon Sense

Kommon Sense is a strategic communication tool whose mechanics is predicated on principles and skills such as; Communication, Strategic Thinking, Creative Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management, Negotiation Skills, Commerce, Personality Profiling, Marketing, Leadership, Values, Ethics and Morality.

Kommon Sense The overall objective of Kommon Sense is to simplify the complex learning process of strategic communications into a fulfilled experience that can be domesticated and applied in different sectors and at multiple levels.

It is an effort to entrench and expose the mind to strategic thinking and creative communication. The tool kit comprises of a pack of cards and 72 word list with rules and instructions.

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Really innovative and engaging. Had fun while thinking
- Nancy Oblete

Kommon sense is a wonderful but simple means of communication and it helps you bond and relate better
- Murphy Unegbu