Problem Solver

Arvi Joers

Areas Arvi Joers is Knowledgeable in:

Microbiology, Cell biology

Techniques Arvi Joers Uses:

The most successful approach for me has been looking for similar situations outside of particular area of the problem. Quite often functionally similar situations somewhere else can provide solutions to problems in another field.

Arvi Joers's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. I have worked some years as a scientist in microbiology lab in university
  2. I have led a small team of researches in biotech company
  3. I am trained as cell biologist and have worked 10 years in the field

Arvi Joers's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a new method for monitoring the growth and cell division of bacteria at the single cell level.
  2. I led a small team that created a new technology for protein production in mammalian cells.