Innovative People

Rogerio Biasotto

With solid experience in the areas of Marketing, Sales & Strategic Planning acting in Brazil and Latin America.
Possessing significant experience in multinational companies in the segments: agrochemicals, seeds and chemistry.
Has a great capacity of to develop proposals of value having with base the principles of the Excellency in Sales and Marketing in the last 16 years.
To summarize the knowledge acquired there are six pillars below:
1. Customer and Stakeholders Management.
2. Excellency in the execution of the marketing plans
3. Price Strategy (transactional and value)
4. Channel Management .
5. Effectiveness Field Force.
6. CRM – Customer Relationship Management .
With the knowledge acquired in the use of these 6 pillars, this professional have conditions to develop, to implement and to manage diverse companies in a sustainable strategically base and generating value for the business.
Great ability in the Relationship with municipal, state, federal agencies public, entities of research and media in general complete this professional.
He has fluent English, Executive MBA (Dom Cabral Foundation), Executive MBA (UFRJ), post-graduation in Administration and Marketing (FAAP) and graduation in Agronomic Engineering.

Languages Rogerio Biasotto speaks:
