Problem Solver

Shahid Bhutto

Areas Shahid Bhutto is Knowledgeable in:

Water quality monitoring and analysis. Innovation of environmental technologies.

Techniques Shahid Bhutto Uses:

1, Preparation of proper Monitoring plan for Lakes.
2, Review of methods for better recovery of results specially for sulfite and urea.

Shahid Bhutto's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. water analysis and treatment

Shahid Bhutto's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have developed sulfite analysis procedure for preservative test to evaluate organic food.
    I have completed two refer projects for evaluation of organic food and the commodities were dry fruit & plant gum.
    I have designed and fabricated water and waste water sampler for sampling at exact depth.
    I have expertise for analysis of water and waste water various parameters.
    I am working on development of Medicated Drinking water with emphasis on Calcium, Potassium and Iron content.