Innovative People

Stephane Dube

Stephane Dube The Economy Need A New Invention To Focus On Now !
We are in 2011 and we still clean or wash our windows by hand read this and let see if it's time for a new idea to clean windows.This invention as the potential to created many new job and to save life at the same time.

Complementary about this idea why it will be a good new profitable invention for the economie.
The idea is about having a great solution to clean windows ,because of this factor 30% of the work of cleaning windows in United States is refused per year and there is a race in the world who will be having the best invention to save life of worker that still clean the windows by hand in 2011.Actually the commercial building are on a waithing list for manual window washer to clean there building and i am sure that we can find better idea to do this work with a market size of 45 billion per year in United States.My name Mr.Stephane Dube , how to change the process in the mind of people but for a inventor it's very difficult to implement a new idea and implement a new product with a new way to this work.
This job need to be improuved with new way to do this.Accidents hapen and insurance cost go up, but to save one life it worth the try to find a new solution he said.
Let's explained how the system patented U.S.6,986,186 work, the Window Washing System eliminates the need for scaffold-based window washing crews for this purpose, thereby reducing labor cost and preventing accident and pedestrian traffic interruptions associated with this form of maintenance. It's a machine that we install that stay on the frame of each windows to do the job everyday or when it need to be clean and it's very simple and small .The idea was made for commercial building that have a hard time to keep there window clean.Keeps windows looking clean and clear for an extended period of time and speeds up the process of cleaning hard-to-reach windows. They are at the prototype stage and they did a video to show that it would work but they will need help to reach the market they said.That can be a very good idea to help the economie worker with a new product that still need some work to do with some engeneers and the market size is huge.
Let's say just this, the idea worth the time to go look to that website and for the builder or creator of startup in the world take the time to look this futured invention.
Video . Window Washing System The Prototype in Action
Imagine your selves! On
your sofa and look your windows
clean themselves. Eh! Yes, only
by pressing on your switch on/
off or with a simple remote control.
Whether it is for a building, a skyscraper,
an airport,Hotel,highrise building and I pass some
example... We found a solution
which reduces a considerable
number of accidents, time and
money. I invented one automatic
window-washing; In 10 seconds
your windows shine with
Cordially Stephane Dube inventor.

About W.W.S.Technology Canada INC.:
Patent U.S.6,986,186 a new invention to clean the windows with a simple remote control for commercial building.
Company Contact Information
W.W.S.Technology Canada INC.