Problem Solver

Antonio Aquino

Antonio Aquino

Areas Antonio Aquino is Knowledgeable in:

To mitigate Global warming,

Techniques Antonio Aquino Uses:

-Global warming to reduce CO2 emission
-Cost to nation of $170 for heating and cooling occupied space ( homes, commercial)
-Year pay back of 1 year or less instead of 4 to 15 pay bacb on all other renewable energy methods
-Sick Building Syndrome
-more convenient
-easily deployable (can be deployed to all utility costumers.
-minimum cost $20 to $50

Antonio Aquino's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Cooling/Heating thermal storage using outside air temperature

Antonio Aquino's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have a patented algorithm that harvest outside favorable air temperature to help heat or cool your home, add comfort, reduce green house gas emission, lower utility cost and add convenient with 1 year Payback. Method can be deployed to all utility costumers. If implemented nationally could save nation $10 billion annually. Reduce CO2 emission by 50 million ton equaling removing 10 million cars off the road annually.