Problem Solver

Charles Terrill

Charles Terrill

Areas Charles Terrill is Knowledgeable in:

food, water, shelter, nuclear nonproliferation, solar energy CST, snow removal, exoskeleton, mobility, IVT, bicycles, electric motors, sound systems, water filtration, solar cooking, drones, aircraft

Techniques Charles Terrill Uses:

I can visulize the solution.

Charles Terrill's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. logistics
  2. mechanical engineer
  3. Inventor
  4. Visulization

Charles Terrill's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed an antigravity suit. Exoskeleton
  2. I developed a machine that streches pizza dough.
  3. I developed a shovel where the user does not have to bend over.
  4. I developed a way to analize automobile road capacity and other traffic control analysis technics to reduce traffic congestion
  5. I developed a way to package and transport sunlight.
  6. I developed a way to make snow removal 10x more effieient.
  7. I invented a popcorn machine that produces 300% more popcorn in the same footprint.
  8. I invented security systems for bitcoin paper wallets.