
EZ Cheeze

EZ Cheeze
#9981: Platform that enables a conversation to be had between entities made up of multiple people suggesting and voting for the most interesting, thought-provoking and engaging responses. The resulting conversations may be of a higher quality than ones between single individuals.

#9986: Movie recommendation engine based on subtitle analysis. Comparing mean word and sentence length, words-per-hour mean, dialogue density variation over time, lexical complexity and vocabulary overlap will uncover similarities in the fabric of tone, pacing and subject matter.

#9989: A website where people can define and popularize musical genres by listing a few exemplar songs, describing their perceived shared qualities and linking to samples. Seed songs can be similar in their entirety or just part of duration. Others can then suggest more that fit.

#9990: A random restaurant, where a computer creates random bite-sized combinations from a big list of ingredients. Each time, this will result in a unique new interplay of flavor and texture. Personal scoring will uncover correlations of what goes together or performs comparably

#9991: A programmer-aided programming course. You can enroll as a complete amateur, learn some basics of what is possible and start creating software by describing functionality to your programmer team, incorporating their suggestions and leading them in the idea's implementation

#9993: Video series of someone describing something for you to picture in your mind. You can close your eyes to enhance the focus of your visualization. Eventually, the clip provides photo/audio/video of the actual object, allowing you to compare and reconcile reality and vision.

#9999: A criticism mediator who / which helps you find the grains of truth in even the most vicious teardown, thus making all criticism constructive criticism. Differently worded, your critics' remarks may lead you to you address the shortcomings hitherto hidden in your blindspot