Problem Solver

Janmaarten Batstra

Janmaarten Batstra

Areas Janmaarten Batstra is Knowledgeable in:

Change management
Innovation management
Public Policy
Strategic cybersecurity
Technological developments
Future society

Techniques Janmaarten Batstra Uses:

-Get down to the essence of the problem first (the "Elon Musk way")
-Use available resources to come up with a core solution
-design the solution and prepare pitch for the client.

Janmaarten Batstra's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Innovation

Janmaarten Batstra's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a concept for an app to help unemployed and disabled people get back to work with minimal administrative tasks for the users and while giving them a sense of pride and self confidence.
  2. I set up a marketing and sales department with virtual employees, avatar based and remotely controlled from another country
  3. I set up a system to integrate mood status of employees into a business intelligence (BI) system, adding EQ input parameters to the companies strategic planning
  4. I set up a digital EU distribution system for our high end LED fixtures in 2009 (14 countries)
  5. I developed a marketing strategy that, using AI/ML, reacts autonomously and real time to global (breaking) news and developments.