Problem Solver

Jonathan Ambs

Jonathan Ambs

Areas Jonathan Ambs is Knowledgeable in:

- Desalinization
- Physics

Techniques Jonathan Ambs Uses:

Brain storming

Jonathan Ambs's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Writing Patents
  2. Programming

Jonathan Ambs's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I proposed and tested a method of generating lift by positioning a buoyant object above the object that you want to move and pulling them together. (patent pending)
  2. I wrote a computer program to help students learn math that shows the correct answer to a math problem and the steps that are involved in solving the problem. (patent pending)
  3. I proposed a method to increase the velocity of a projectile by igniting multiple charges to increase the average pressure in the gun barrel. (Patent Granted March 27, 2012)
  4. I proposed a method to increase the rate of evaporation by covering the liquid with a gas that is much denser than it's vapor to increase the rate of natural convection. (patent pending)