Problem Solver

Kyle Mcclure

Areas Kyle Mcclure is Knowledgeable in:


Techniques Kyle Mcclure Uses:

The ability to understand how to piece questions together to sound like answers, so the communication of language sounds 3d. It evolves and never holds itself back, so long as it moves up and down the scale. This is all answer thinking. We should ask ourselves at least 100 questions before we stick on an answer... Then form that answer into a question, and pass it on.

Kyle Mcclure's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Philosophy

Kyle Mcclure's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have solved the dilemma of mankind. We live in a world of answers, they mask the questions so well that we don't realize all answers exist already, if we ask the right questions. All an answer is, is a temporary break, a thought. It is entirely false, while the question is true reality. Our entire view of the world is lopsided in answers. Answers can be true or false so therefore they are lies, questions are neither right or wrong and therefore they are truth. Here is my solution to all problems. A game.

    Play this game with yourself. I have created the game of all games. Ask yourself questions and answer in questions until you accidentally come up with an answer, reform it into a question... Do this until you have a question that sounds almost entirely like an answer, but is still openended. This question, will essentially speak out in 3d.