Innovative People

Lawrence Pettener

Lawrence Pettener I can think of business names (mostly in English) for most areas of business/activity. Many of these will employ Monty Python-type humour. For example, a Zen Buddhist centre in a southern French city could do worse to attract media attention than calling itself Nothing Toulouse. Zen practitioners in a southern Spanish city could name their centre Gran Nada,and we could start a chain reaction.

Not all of my ideas rely on the name of the town, city or county; I have equally striking names for a camping shop, a cheese shop, and an eco-electrical retailer, all of which could be located anywhere. Having said that, I do have an amazing name for a new-age clothes shop which should set up in Cornwall,.

I welcome civic representatives of whole towns who would like their location to gain press and map coverage for a theme-related series of innovative shop- and business-names.

Languages Lawrence Pettener speaks:
