
Rakesh Kumar

Rakesh Kumar
There are many computer programming languages available in the present
days but if we talk about the few using which we can design a kernel then
there is only C/C++. There is no doubt that C++ is an extremely powerful
computer programming language. Though we found many issues or
drawback that makes it inefficient and slow in terms of processing the real
scenario programming. These were the main reasons why I decided to
design an efficient computer programming language for future
advancement scenario which will be better, faster and more secured than
others. Here it should be noted that execution time of RAKs. M. PLUS will
be less than that of different versions of C/C++ up to 40% which can prove
to be a great achievement. After successful implementation, it may change
the world of computer science. I have given around 25 months on this
research project. Finally, British Journal of Mathematics and Computer
Science which is a reputed International Journal approved this research.

Definition: RAKs. M. PLUS is a partially object oriented programming
language which is designed to overcome the drawbacks of different
versions of C++. RAKs. M. PLUS is nearer to C++. There is a slight
difference in the keywords of C++. A suffix “_rmp” is added to all the
keywords or predefined functions (i.e. inbuilt functions). For example, if a
user wants to use “cout” in RAKs. M. PLUS, the user should write
“cout_rmp”. The major changes made in the RAKs. M. PLUS computer
programming language is in the internal mechanism as well as in the
security area. Only authorized users can use this. All the powers will be
given to the admin. The admin will have the power to accept or reject the
request for master password to retrieve the stored files. No user can access
the files of another user as the files will be in encrypted form. RAKs. M.
PLUS will support all the four main pillars of Object Oriented
Programming i.e. Class and Object, Encapsulation, Polymorphism and
Inheritance along with other features also. It will provide an environment
for designing the kernel. RAKs. M. PLUS is expected to be faster than C++
and provide very high security environment. It cannot be hacked at user
level. It can be used for problem solving, for designing kernel as well as
wallet to store important information such as account no., pin code, emailid,
passwords etc.