Problem Solver

Utkarsh Bharadwaj

Utkarsh Bharadwaj

Areas Utkarsh Bharadwaj is Knowledgeable in:

Machine Learning, Operations Research

Utkarsh Bharadwaj's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Modelling Mechanical Behavior of Nacre like Staggered Composite under high strain loading.

    Developed a scheme to model seemingly conflicting properties of a bio-Nano composite Nacre to ascertain the optimal Micro structure for any bio mimetic material based on Nacre.
    • Created a brick and mortar model of the microstructure using MATLAB and found the structure exhibiting the best set of properties by simulating a high strain rate loading and observing the degree of dissipation of the impact energy.
    • Analyzed the response in hardness, toughness and impact resistance of the material while altering its brick and mortar micro structure bit by bit.
  2. Ensemble Modelling of Classification Algorithms for Better Accuracy in Big Data Applications

    • Developed a novel scheme for homogenizing the predictive power of classification algorithms using ensemble models.
    • Using SQL stored procedures and python scripting for automation, tested several predictive models to generate an optimal solution with respect to better accuracy and scalability.
    • Researched into the running time of various Classification algorithms, especially Logistic Regression to determine the impact of ensemble of models, each with a fraction of the entire training data.
  3. Reducing product testing cycle time in semiconductor manufacturing using machine learning

    • Identified the assembly line sensors most indicative of failure in the semiconductor chip using analytics on previous data.
    • Filtered the information coming from a large number of sensors using dimensionality reduction to build a simpler model of testing.
    • Recommended guidelines to remove redundancies in order to reduce the cycle time.