Innovation Articles

By Anthony Ferrier

The Value of Innovation at a Time of Crisis


What happens when an organization is experiencing a time of crisis? What role do innovation leaders play and how can their programs drive value in a period where an organization is in distress? A time of crisis can be an existential threat to your efforts, or a real opportunity to create value and define solutions to help the organization effectively navigate the rough terrain. Here are some actions that innovation leaders can take to drive value.

Increasing Experimentation And Autonomy Capability: The New Corporate Innovation Imperative


In the past 12 months, there has been a concerted push to foster a more experimental and autonomous workforce within mature, corporate organizations. This is impacting how innovation professionals operate, drive value, and ultimately succeed in their own careers.

Building an Effective Corporate Incubator / Accelerator: A New Approach


With so much focus on establishing corporate innovation incubators and accelerators, more attention needs to be paid to maintaining effective employee connections back into the business units that will support the newly formed ideas.

7-Tips To Consider Around Your Innovation Training Efforts


In recent years an increasing number of innovation professionals have been exploring opportunities to train, connect and engage employees around innovation skills. As this competency becomes more established, chatter and analysis is generated and, perhaps inevitably, vendors create some interesting solutions. It is pretty exciting.

What Is An Employee Innovation Network, And Why Should You Care?


As Innovation Program leaders look to expand their scope and influence across complex, global organizations, they are turning to the development of Employee Innovation Networks. This article examines what these networks can look like, and provides some high level overview of the value that they can generate.