Problem Solver

Asad Rehman

Asad Rehman
Donot say you know every thing a worker on the shop floor may know more then you. Learn and teach should be your motto.

Areas Asad Rehman is Knowledgeable in:

Sales, Marketing and Operations. Human relations.

Techniques Asad Rehman Uses:

I first evaluate the frequency of the problem then the lead time for repacement and cost if either of these are higher I will go in for R&D and develop the required item/part. Further train the workers to improve skills to avoid losses of time=production. In marketing my efforts turned around the company from a small backyard to one of the leading enterprise of my country.

Asad Rehman's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Sales

Asad Rehman's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. such as in house development of spares parts. recyling waste plastic into useable products. Develop the use of new ideas and experiment.