Problem Solver

Barry Foreman

Barry Foreman
So often the answers are right there with you. All you have to do is be able to identify the human resources that have the knowledge, and get them involved.

Areas Barry Foreman is Knowledgeable in:

Communication, manufacturing, distribution, hardware/software/infrastructure, Government process and procedure, Inventory Management, Asset Management, Supply Chain Management.

Techniques Barry Foreman Uses:

Work from the ground up. Hands on...... Listen and document......Get all parties involved......Root cause analysis......

Barry Foreman's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. project management
  2. Government policy and procedure
  3. Communications, hardware, software and infrastructure
  4. Government
  5. Inventory control and asset management
  6. Emergency Services
  7. Transportation industry, maximizing profit
  8. Telecommunication, purchasing and asset management
  9. Asset tracking and recovery
  10. ISO 9000 certified lead auditor

Barry Foreman's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Get everyones attention in training. No one is anyone until recognized by their peers.
  2. Management and union environment always at odds. The Christmas party.
  3. Proactive vs. reactive planning and procedure.
  4. Management wants and the staff does not know why.
  5. Knowledge retention for downsizing companies. (I.E. Retiring Senior Employee...I cannot hope to ask enough of the right questions to get enough of the right answers to record even a fraction of your knowledge...........)
  6. Forensic audit to track incidents in a large Government of Ontario Database
  7. Common hardware, software and business practices for a group of 5 related companies, spanning North America.
  8. Hands on Project Manager to recover and repair, failing local and wide area network,
  9. Consultant Infrastructure design and implimentation.
  10. Consultant Emergency Services, Ontario.