Problem Solver

Daniel Baron

Areas Daniel Baron is Knowledgeable in:

Statistical Analysis
Environmental Engineering
Fuel Cells
Renewable Energy

Techniques Daniel Baron Uses:

Experimental design, planning, and implementation
Perl program development
Electrochemical techniques
Linear Regression
Statistical Analysis

Daniel Baron's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Metabolite identification and quantification
  2. Microbe culturing
  3. Data analysis
  4. Research publication
  5. Experiment planning
  6. Microbiology
  7. Genetic techniques
  8. Perl and R Programming

Daniel Baron's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I helped create a reactor system capable of generating fairly moderate amounts of electrical current from bacteria and wastewater.
  2. Studied kinetics of metabolism in biofilms
  3. I helped develop a system for the genetic manipulation of a specific bacteria's genome
  4. Mapped and adjusted metabolitic pathways as part of an effort to create a new biological capability for biofuel production in bacteria
  5. Used linear regression and statistical modeling to aid in optimization
  6. Used electrochemistry software to study microbes and fuel cells