Problem Solver

Daniel Silva

Areas Daniel Silva is Knowledgeable in:

I would like to give it a try in anything even if i don't know the basics, just a sample with details if available can make me understand how to and develop or find solutions.

Techniques Daniel Silva Uses:

passion, other people needs, willing to do different and better, if the technology exists then.. no problem.

Daniel Silva's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. fall a sleep thinking about the solution, and 1of10 of the time dream about the solution
  2. 25h thinking

Daniel Silva's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have solutions to make money (thinking about, $1 per person) if there is investment or someone that can create the tools needed that i can't.
  2. I am able to find, create, develop better solutions from the current ones.
  3. - I developed a new era of online Entertainment website that will connect people in any country around the world, still in blueprints.
    Estimate $11.500.000 a month, within 1 year and times 10 in 5 years.
    Currently Searching for funding.