Patent Holder

Daniel Vorhis

Daniel Vorhis
- 6,530.661 “Eye Glasses Holder having a body of revolution and a suction cup”
- 5,925,309 “Method for extrusion of ceramic filter media”
- 5,656,220 “Method for extrusion of ceramic filter media”
- 5,558,762 “Portable water filter and valve assembly”
- 5,513,624 “Weighted Needle for cleaning fuel orifice of liquid fuel component stove”
- 5,487,833 “Water Filter with adjustable inlet hose assembly”
- D352,359 “Water Bag”
- 5,330,640 “Portable Water Filter having an inlet conduit with a weight and float construction”
- 5,266,196 “Water Filter”
- 5,265,847 “Squeeze Valve with augmented sealing”
- D321 ,550 “Water Filter”
- 4,690,375 “Self-Closing Squeeze Valve”