Problem Solver

Dan Parker

Areas Dan Parker is Knowledgeable in:

the seemingly impossible

Techniques Dan Parker Uses:

Broad principle methods employed to resolve acute problems.

Dan Parker's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. R&D engineer
  2. process development specialist

Dan Parker's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a patented process method to supplant the lyophilization process. Identified problem - condensing the products sublimed particles within the process on cold plates requiring elaborate refrigeration systems .
    A magnetoplasmadynamic ion thrust particle evacuation system to remove the sublimed particles rather than struggling to manage them within and during the process.
  2. I recently filed a provisional patent on laser driven photovoltaic wireless energy transmission. Using thin film proprietary element compounds specific to a laser wavelength to provide energy to electrical devices in remote locations. I plan to incorporate communication signal over the laser beam to further optimize this method.