Problem Solver

David Troness

David Troness
It doesn't matter whether or not I am familiar with your product or process. I provide a process where I work with you to solve it much faster, with more elegant solution concepts.

Areas David Troness is Knowledgeable in:

Sophisticated Problem Solving Capabilities, Business and Technical Innovation

Techniques David Troness Uses:

Six-Sigma, DFSS, Reliability Engineering, TRIZ

David Troness's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. I find underlying contradictions and eliminate them
  2. Predict the natural evolution of products and functions
  3. Experience in Aerospace engineering
  4. Experience in Semiconductor Mfg industry
  5. Besides engineering, also have background in psychology
  6. Use TRIZ to generate more ideas, faster
  7. Expert in "Engineering Elegance" with TRIZ
  8. Leader/instructor in Innovation Methods at Intel & Honeywell
  9. The specific content of the problem doesn't matter - I solve problems
  10. solve business problems of all kinds, systematically, with TRIZ

David Troness's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I was given a design problem pertaining to ESD and moisture with a new digital camera - in two hours I generated six solutions which the company filed invention disclosures on.
  2. Presented with numerous problems that the client had struggled with for over 2 years. We came up with several viable solutions within a couple weeks.