Problem Solver

Grace Ageno

Grace Ageno

Areas Grace Ageno is Knowledgeable in:

Trauma counseling
Child counseling
HIV/AIDS counseling
Group therapy

Techniques Grace Ageno Uses:

Priotizing a problem
Brainstorming (for generating many ideas to consider)
Consensus Decision Making
Cost Benefit Analysis. Deciding based on costs
Looking at a situation from many perspectives
Fishbowls. Groups learning by watching modelled behaviours)
Grid Analysis (for choosing among many choices)
Nominal Group Technique (for gathering and condensing among many ideas)
Rational Decision Making
Storyboarding (for creative group decision making)
SWOT Analysis (to analyze from strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)

Grace Ageno's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Child Counseling
  2. HIV/AIDS counseling
  3. Trainining

Grace Ageno's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. The quality of life of People living with HIV/AIDS has been improved. Most now look at the future with hope.

    families where traumatized children belong have been restored.

    Communities where trainings are conducted, have been able to train others on facts about HIV/AIDS and preventive measures.

    I have been able to sell heath products to potential customers. I work for a company called GNLD

    I have been able to empower HIV/AIDS patients solve their own problems through counseling.

    I was able to help the organization were I was working before, to dispose off wastes in the right places to avoid contamination

    I helped a suicidal client change her mind about commiting suide