Problem Solver

Jane Katuga

Jane Katuga
You cannot solve that which you dont acknowledge

Areas Jane Katuga is Knowledgeable in:

Human behaviour

Techniques Jane Katuga Uses:

For both, I listen for what they are not saying rather than what they want me to hear. I also watch out for how they react to the probing questions I ask. The technique I employ is to direct them to the point and place where something happened, the meaning the attachec to it and ultimately, the decision(s) they made from then.

At the point of coaching I really engage with my sixth sense and intuitive self.

Jane Katuga's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Human behaviour
  2. Life skills both taught and experienced

Jane Katuga's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. 1. Having a stutterer resolve his stutterring problem through coaching. I got
    the person to see that the stuttering was as a result of painful unresolved
    issues from his past.

    2. I got a lady to see that her string of broken relationships and her inability
    to get along with her male colleagues stem from her unresolved issues with
    her step father.