Problem Solver

Jorge Avila

"The most important thing in life is your name, it's the only thing you will left behind. Let's make history." Jorge Avila

Areas Jorge Avila is Knowledgeable in:

Technology, Marketing, Management, Human Relations, Research and Development, New Product and Services definition

Techniques Jorge Avila Uses:

Own methodology

Jorge Avila's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Human Relations
  2. Leadership
  3. Technology
  4. Innovation
  5. Motivation
  6. Creativity
  7. Consulting
  8. Coaching
  9. Teaching
  10. Marketing

Jorge Avila's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Forming and leading teams in the software and engineering field for more than 15 years.
  2. Running my own business from scratch, making more with less (almost nothing)
  3. My customers sees me as a technological partner, inviting me to work in the definition of their new products and services, providing them a new fresh perspective of usability, innovation, customer experience...
  4. My creativity is the reason why we are in the Custom Software industry, we understand our customers needs and apply innovation in our solution
  5. Creating my own market, sealing on blue oceans...