Problem Solver

Julius Siador

Julius Siador
If you are into system integration, cost effectiveness, efficiency and simplicity all in one package, there is no better way you can do these other than being compelled to go innovatively or inventively, minding that there is always room for improvement, and that progress never really ends in a very best product but continue to evolve in a much deeper and more involved ways as products go on being interconnected to other complementary ones. For this to be uniquely implemented, you may need my abilities fast.

Areas Julius Siador is Knowledgeable in:

Autodesk Inventor 2010 Designing, Conceptual to Manufacturing Designing, Integration strategies and implementation, Mechanical Engineering Design, Machinery construction and innovation. I like things to be overly multifunctional in a least and simplest design as possible. After that, I tend to focus on making each function to work more effectively and efficiently.

Techniques Julius Siador Uses:

I do brainstorming most of the time whether in a group or by myself. I conceptualize the best approach most of the time and verify the design through computer modelling. I then internalize the verified data and do experiments and iteration by intense thought process. Most of the time, the best possible design comes after taking a rest from intense thought experiments. I most probably utilized my subconscious mind in arriving to the most innovative solutions. I once again verify the design in computer modelling, and then decide whether to go deeper for other innovative enhancements when there is enough time. I always found out that there is always room for development, enhancement and integration no matter how complex the design is.

Julius Siador's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. system/function integration design, 3D-CAD/modeling, Rotary Engine Design, Kinematic Simulation Design, Mech'l Sys Optimization
  2. system/function integration design, 3D-CAD/modeling, Rotary Engine Design, Kinematic Simulation Design, Mech'l Sys Optimization

Julius Siador's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I am self-employed as a Mechanical Design Engineer. I do local contractual designing with the use of CAD, specifically on projects that involve computer-generated prototyping and kinematic analysis. Most of my clientele are into non-disclosure agreements as the works involve innovative/inventive approach into arriving solutions of their pressing problems, like enhancing an equipment or process for low cost manufacturing when stricken by tightening budget allocation or schedule. I design most of the time for integration and eliminate any redundancy whether in process flows or in mechanical assemblies.
  2. I am self-employed as a Mechanical Design Engineer. I do local contractual designing with the use of CAD, specifically on projects that involve computer-generated prototyping and kinematic analysis. Most of my clientele are into non-disclosure agreements as the works involve innovative/inventive approach into arriving solutions of their pressing problems, like enhancing an equipment or process for low cost manufacturing when stricken by tightening budget allocation or schedule. I design most of the time for integration and eliminate any redundancy whether in process flows or in mechanical assemblies.