Problem Solver

Kanobayire Louis

Kanobayire Louis
Welcome fox, we are here to help you.

Areas Kanobayire Louis is Knowledgeable in:

Aeronautical Meteorology and meteorology in general

Techniques Kanobayire Louis Uses:

listening and try to understand what are the needs of the other party

Kanobayire Louis's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. air traffic control
  2. aeronautical telecommunication
  3. aeronautical meteorological services
  4. agriculture meterology
  5. hydrometeorology
  6. synoptic meteorology
  7. aeronautical briefing to pilots

Kanobayire Louis's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. warning to pilots about dramatic change of weather at Kigali International Airport
  2. employee retention after canceling
  3. New style of delivering aviation weather to airlines