Problem Solver

Kenneth Tripp

A wise man needs not have all of the answers,yet only where to find them.

Areas Kenneth Tripp is Knowledgeable in:

Problem solving and end solutions.

Techniques Kenneth Tripp Uses:

The ability to think outside of the box in all areas of life and problems. I have been told by many that I over-think things but I see that as a asset.

Kenneth Tripp's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Master Diesel Technician
  2. Advanced Diagnostic experience
  3. Automotive electronics and electrical systems

Kenneth Tripp's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. My very first diesel engine that I worked on in the U.S. Marine Corps had been sitting for a year as previous mechanics had given up on it. After about a week I had it whipped and so began my passion.
  2. I am the go to guy for many Ford technicians in my shops and in previous shops I have worked in and even one all the way down in Florida in which I have never worked.
  3. I also part-time on as a Ford expert.