Problem Solver

Kazuyo Kaneko

Kazuyo Kaneko
I would be flexible to be a member of a problem solving team to accommodate the purpose, the goal, and the way of working of the team.

Areas Kazuyo Kaneko is Knowledgeable in:

Information Technology
Computer Science

Techniques Kazuyo Kaneko Uses:

research, communication, analysis, and comprehension

Kazuyo Kaneko's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. research
  2. comprehension
  3. writing
  4. critical thinking
  5. analysis

Kazuyo Kaneko's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I figured out what was a problem of an enterprise backup system which was installed by an ex-employee, and I re-set up it to make it work.
  2. I developed a stochastic model to explain the results from experiments in a Chemistry lab.