Problem Solver

Keith Garcia

Keith Garcia
My strength is the ability to see relationships between different ideas and see how certain technologies could be utilized in different applications.

Areas Keith Garcia is Knowledgeable in:

Psychology (consciousness), Business (many aspects), Science and Technology.

Techniques Keith Garcia Uses:

Most just quickly come to mind. I would like to test out lucid dreaming (conscious dreaming) by thinking about certain problems, then seeing what sort of dream imagery presents itself.

Keith Garcia's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Easy for me to take disparate information between fields and see how they can be put together

Keith Garcia's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I am able to see how different things are inter-related. When I hear about a new technology, I quickly see how that technology can be utilized in different areas. I present ideas to people in casual conversation, and many times they do not understand what I am saying, but some do :)