Problem Solver

Kenneth Krul

I have been a problem solver since my youth --- looking for the mathematial puzzles section in Scientific American every month. My mind is geared to exploring options and I am well known for both my logic and my intuition. I do not parrot back the client's ideas or use boiler-plater materials. I work with the client to find the most effective and appropriate information set required for their application. In many cases, this may be what the client needs but not what they originally thought they needed.

Areas Kenneth Krul is Knowledgeable in:

Biotechnology, biopharmaceuticals, clinical diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, blood banking and blood products, medical devices, numerous specific diseases areas.

Techniques Kenneth Krul Uses:

Surveys (primary), interviews, focus groups, Delphi panels, secondary research etc

Kenneth Krul's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Ability to communicate effective between technical and business arenas.
  2. Extensive knowledge and experience
  3. Excellent communications skill, written and oral
  4. Superior logic
  5. Highly intuitive
  6. Quick study

Kenneth Krul's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Provided merger/acquisition assessments and recomendations regarding a key American clinical diagnostics firm for a major ($6 billion+) Italian firm.
  2. Provided investment assessments (business and technology) for venture capitalists, investment bankers and major investment/retirement funds --- involving not real estate or derivative investments.
  3. Provided appraoches for the successful inclusion of a new product line and competitive stratgeies for the product line for a major American pharmaceutical company.
  4. A (now) signifcant biopharmaceuticals company was assessing the potential for a collaboration with a major off-shore (Japanese) pharmaceutical. I asessed the market potential and clinical applications for the proposed project, providing the recommendation that the companies not go through with the project because of clinical factors, saving them tens of millions of dollars.
  5. Client (major pharmaceutical company) wished to expand its product line in one specific area of application and was looking for synergistic technology to do so. I assessed their situation and made recommendations for acquisition of both technology and venture companies. My recommendations resulted in a $200 million buyout of a venture biopharmaceutical firm.