Problem Solver

Kevin Pursall

Areas Kevin Pursall is Knowledgeable in:

Survival techniques, weaponry, editing moves and photos, increasing revenue, creating logos and slogans.

Techniques Kevin Pursall Uses:

I am always calm and calculated, I study things then dive in with the necessary tools to completed the task. If I am ever in doubt I will check and re-check everything before employing it. I love a challenge and will not give up until it is completed.

Kevin Pursall's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Wilderness Survivalist

Kevin Pursall's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. -I have spent many years studying and living in forests and the wild. I can approach problems head on with a calm calculated mentality.
    -I have spent many hours at a time researching allot of things that I find an interest in, I have lost plenty of sleep in many cases and very rarely do I fail in my quest to find something.
    -I notice safety issues every day and in my mind can work out a fast, effective and cost happy solutions to the issues I see. In most cases it would not cost anything to solve simple safety issues.
    -I can advise on many ways to improve and spot security problems with minimal outlay, if any. Example; I can look at a building and work out the quickest fastest way in against the law, I also have a knack for spotting blind-spots and loopholes, but I would never use this maliciously, instead I want to use my skills to help others in the real world.