Problem Solver

Kristy Salvadori

Kristy Salvadori

Techniques Kristy Salvadori Uses:

convergent thinking, data/information/facts mining, critical thinking, "just in time" learner, learn the ropes fairly easy and quick, thin-slicer
I try to find solutions to making my life easier, and others can benefit from these solutions as well. It's a fun hobby of mine to make/build/create something out of nothing, and I'm dirt poor so I must take that into consideration when I devise these plans.

Kristy Salvadori's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. very detail oriented
  2. arts and crafts communications, music, data mining, lock picking,
  3. play guitar and learning to read music
  4. jewelry making
  5. crochet
  6. lock picking, decoding, cipher/crack
  7. communications
  8. data mining
  9. sanitizing and sterilization
  10. dog and cat groomer
  11. veterinary technician

Kristy Salvadori's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have devised simple practical solutions for everyday living for busy families as well as pets. Currently developing an automatic dog walker to help my disabled grandmother and her pet. Time and money are the main problems.