Problem Solver

Kruger Lotter

Kruger Lotter

Areas Kruger Lotter is Knowledgeable in:

Mechanical design of a new item, whether that be a tool or kitchen utensil

Techniques Kruger Lotter Uses:

Practical understanding of the problem, various solutions possible, evaluating of options, design of new item, manufacturing.

Kruger Lotter's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. varminting
  2. reloading of ammunition
  3. hunting and related activities
  4. gas welding and cutting
  5. mig and stick welding
  6. lathe work
  7. Milling welding
  8. Livestock trading
  9. Machine design
  10. Real estate agency
  11. Mechanical repairs
  12. Agricultural machinery
  13. Livestock production
  14. dual sport motorcycling, equipment and tools

Kruger Lotter's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have adapted various agricultural machines to perform under circumstances it was not initially designed for
  2. I came up with a marketing strategy for livestock trading in RSA
  3. I have designed and built various livestock handling devices i.e. lamb cradles, feeding systems, handling facilities etc.
  4. I have designed and built unavailable tools i.e. lightweight and portable bike jack, manual tire machine for car and motorbike tires, various reloading aids,