Problem Solver

Larry Freeman

I enjoy very tough problems that are easy to verify but hard to solve. I think that Netflix Prize is an example of the type of problem which is my favorite.

Areas Larry Freeman is Knowledgeable in:

Computer Science
History of Number Theory

Techniques Larry Freeman Uses:

I employ brainstorming, mathematical proof, computer modeling, and computer programming as methods for problem solving.

Larry Freeman's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. writing
  2. management
  3. mathematics
  4. programming
  5. computer science
  6. internet

Larry Freeman's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have two patents in the area of home networking.
    I worked at Sun Microsystems for over 7 years and was on the original team that developed Java EE
    I participated in the Netflix Prize competition and scored in the top 150 of all participants.