Problem Solver

Leif Åberg

Leif Åberg

Areas Leif Åberg is Knowledgeable in:

Business development, marketing, process development and education.

Leif Åberg's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Coaching and teaching. Taught over 1000 training courses, workshops and seminars.
  2. Management issues and governance processes with a focus on marketing organizations and the different types of system support th

Leif Åberg's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have helped to develop a methodology and system support to ensure that marketing managers and their teams are always in control and ability to govern. Thus, given the opportunity to effectively support the business and brand. In consultation with market managers I have developed a methodology to measure the marketing department's status (position) in relation to the demands of senior management down to the business, and from this position to create a release operation, which gradually increases the effect of corporate communications.