Problem Solver

Lin Yang

Areas Lin Yang is Knowledgeable in:

Immunology, Cell biology, Molecular bilogy, signaling pathway analysis, project management, collaborations/contract projects.

Techniques Lin Yang Uses:

1. Identify problems
2. Analyze the consequence of the problem
3. Solve the problem: set up the strategies to solve the problem, decide what expertise and tools should be in place, determine how long it will take
4. Review the solution: is it realistic, manageable and efficient?
5. Take action and monitor the progress.

Lin Yang's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Cell biology, molecular biology, genetic, microscopic imaging, biology experiment design and problem shooting

Lin Yang's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have been doing researches in the area of immunity, anti-infection, signaling pathways.
    I have been a team leader of pre-clinical projects for 5 years.
    I've played an important role in project design, supervizing research lab, identifying CRO and monitor project progress. 5 years