Problem Solver

Maria Puy Arrastia

Areas Maria Puy Arrastia is Knowledgeable in:

Artificial intelligence

Maria Puy Arrastia's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Telecomunications: Telecomunication Engineer for the Public University of Navarra (Spain)
  2. Bioinformatics and Systems biology: Working on the Brain Tumor Unit at the University of Navarra
  3. Accesibility: Publication: "Tecnologias de la Información y las Comunicaciones para personas con discapacidad intelectual"
  4. Neutral networks
  5. International Cooperation: Volunteer twice in Cameroon working with children and young girls
  6. iOS

Maria Puy Arrastia's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Brain Tumor mathematic modeling.
    I am working on this proyect now as a researcher.
  2. How to use tecnologies to facilitate the live of people with mental disabilities.
    I have writen a book about it.
  3. How to improve the informatic instalations in a high school in Cameroon with a low price.
    Use of "Linux terminal server proyect"
    Use of "Wiimote proyect"